ブランド名 | アイリスオーヤマ(IRIS OHYAMA) |
製品型番 | IRW-2819A |
色 | ホワイト |
おすすめ度 |
5つ星のうち4.2 |
Amazon 売れ筋ランキング | - 104位大型家電 (の売れ筋ランキングを見る大型家電) - 31位エアコン |
Amazon.co.jp での取り扱い開始日 |
- セット内容:室内機、室外機、リモコン
- 主な機能:スマートスピーカー対応・Wi-Fi機能・人感センサー・自動内部清浄・オンタイマー・除湿モード・おやすみモード
- 商品サイズ(cm)/室内機:幅約79.5×奥行約23×高さ約25/室外機:幅約78×奥行約29×高さ約55
人感センサーを搭載しており人がいなくなると省エネ運転や睡眠時の温度を1時間ごと 設定できる「睡眠モード」を搭載しているのも
上位機種の場合は10月から11月ごろ、普及機の場合は3月から4月ごろが目安といわれているが、この製品に関しては、 等新しい機能がついたので、今年はよく売れたようである。
English version
6000 air conditioners sold a month! This price is attractive with construction. This is the Japanese air conditioner that is in the top 10 on any ranking site
I presume that the standard installation work set is a strength.
Also, if you want to prepare for the heat wave, even if you choose the product as one you want to consider, the cost performance is better than other manufacturers. At the same time, it operates by voice.
Specializing only in the convenience of voice operation "Hey, air conditioner" and "Yes, air conditioner" Wi-Fi, smart speaker, and settings are not required, so it is convenient to use.
It is also equipped with a motion sensor and a "sleep mode" that allows you to set the temperature during energy saving operation and sleep every hour when there are no more people.
The price comparison magazine explains when to buy an air conditioner, but if the model of the previous year remains just before or after the launch of a new product, you can buy it cheaply.
It is said that the guideline is from October to November for high-end models, and from March to April for popular models, but this year is often the case because new functions such as voice operation have been added to this product. It seems that it sold.